Button mushrooms in cream sauce

I’m suspicious of mushrooms. The thought that mushrooms are mysterious forest creatures, not vegetables or fruits, does not appeal to me in a culinary sense. The exceptions are cultivated mushrooms, especially brown button mushrooms, which impress me with their aroma, smooth caps and firm structure.

Early sunset

In Indian restaurants, I have often wondered what the sauces are made from to make them so thick, creamy and soft. They are cooked for a long time so that finely chopped onion completely disintegrates (this trick is also known in other cuisines), the main ingredients, which should remain firm under the teeth, are added to the pan closer to the end of cooking. The secret of cream sauces was revealed to me only when I learned to cook with cashew nuts. I mix a handful of nuts soaked in warm water in the most ordinary small mixer and a perfect cooking cream is formed.

I’m suspicious of mushrooms. The thought that mushrooms are mysterious forest creatures, not vegetables or fruits, does not appeal to me in a culinary sense. The exceptions are cultivated mushrooms, especially brown button mushrooms, which impress me with their aroma, smooth caps and firm structure. They seem like a delicacy, a sweet treat for special opportunites, for example when the late afternoon slips into evening unnoticed.

Button mushrooms in cream sauce will be ready before sunset. The light of thousands of lights, car headlights, street lamps, motorbikes, window displays and street shops is descending over the city. Faces are brightly lit, all the colours of India are glowing in the twilight. They are preparing dinner behind countless windows of restaurants and homes. 

The quantities of ingredients serve about four people. Sauces are usually made so that there are at least two in the main course, with rice and bread. If the sauce will be a stand-alone dish, the ingredients should be doubled.

Šampinjoni v kremni omaki


  • 250 g drobnih rjavih šampinjonov
  • 1 čebula
  • sol
  • košček svežega ingverja
  • 3 česni
  • gorčično olje
  • 5 nageljevih žbic (klinčkov)
  • košček cimetove skorje
  • 3 celi kardamoni
  • suh čili – cel
  • žlička kurkume
  • žlička mletega koriandra 
  • žlička mlete kumine
  • pol žličke garam masale
  • 3 večji zreli paradižniki
  • (ali lonček pasiranih paradižnikov)
  • 100 g indijskih oreščkov


  • Namočimo indijske oreščke. Gobam odlomimo kratke peclje, uporabimo le klobučke. Narežemo jih na četrtine. Čebulo sesekljamo. Kardamon pritisnemo z nožem, da se rahlo odpre, zrnca pa še ostanejo v lupini. Tako bo oddal okus. 
  • V ponvi na maščobi prepražimo cele začimbe, nato čebulo in solimo.  Ko je zapečena, dodamo gobe in pražimo, da se popolnoma zmehčajo. 
  • Zmiksamo ingver, česen in paradižnik ter s tem zalijemo gobe. Dodamo vse začimbe v prahu. Če je pregosto, razredčimo z malo vroče vode. Kuhamo 10 minut. Medtem zmiksamo indijske oreščke v kremno smetano. Ko je omaka kuhana, jo prelijemo v servirno posodo in s krožnimi gibi vmešamo smetano, da nastane marmoren vzorec.  
  • Ponudimo z rižem in/ali čapatiji. O čapatijih drugič.